
Reclaiming Your Smile Through Adult Braces 

Orthodontic braces are excellent appliances that help correct several dental imperfections to enhance your oral form, function, and aesthetics. Currently, adult braces are trending since they pose several health benefits. 

Adult braces that are provided by the dentist in Brookline, MA, and their team yield long-lasting results through a comprehensive approach. 

How do adult braces work? 

Orthodontic braces are oral appliances that apply gentle yet constant pressure on your teeth that guide them into a better position. They work slowly by moving the teeth into the desired alignment. The time taken for the treatment may vary since the dentist can exert only a certain amount of pressure to move the teeth and adjust them in a new position. Extreme pressure exerted quickly can lead to loss of attachment and tooth mobility. 

Adult treatment may take slightly longer than treatment for children/teens due to the maturity and density of the bone adults have.

When are adult braces recommended? 

Orthodontic braces are an effective option for most adults for dental imperfections, just like children and teenagers. Some of the common conditions where braces might be considered in adults are:

  • Crowded, crooked, misplaced teeth
  • Overbites (protruding teeth)
  • Underbites
  • Deep bites
  • Jaw or facial asymmetry
  • Excessive spacing between the teeth
  • Realignment of teeth prior to the placement of veneers, crowns, implants, or dentures

What benefits do braces offer?

Adult braces can offer the following benefits:

  • Reduced risk of dental decay
  • Decreased prevalence of gum disease
  • Minimal risk of dental trauma and injuries
  • Aesthetic smile 
  • Improved ability for brushing and flossing, especially for crowded teeth
  • Reduced risk of teeth attrition caused by bruxism 
  • Improved occlusion 
  • Treatment for congenital discrepancies in the upper and lower jaw 

What are the different types of adult braces?

An experienced orthodontist can determine the most effective treatment available for your individual case. Different options include: 


  • These could be conventional braces that consist of individual brackets bonded to each tooth, connected through an archwire, exerting gentle pressure on the teeth.
  • You may be recommended modern tooth-colored braces for a more aesthetic preference.

Clear aligners like Invisalign

  • These are innovative orthodontic braces that involve thin, clear customized trays, prescribed to be worn for 20 to 22 hours each day for the desired results. 

Lingual braces

  • These ortho devices are made up of metal and cemented to the back side of your teeth, and thus, they are not visible. 
  • However, they may be expensive and take longer to adjust and fit.


Braces help enhance your smile and oral function. Having a healthy and beautiful smile can boost your confidence, in addition to keeping oral problems like tooth decay and gum disease at bay! 

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